Kirsten Newman, LMHC
You are unique. That’s why when we work together, I use a blend of approaches to make sure you have an experience that is tailored just for you.
I create a space in my office for my clients to feel comfortable, heard, and able to open up and explore parts of themselves, their past, and their current life that have previously been buried or hidden. I am consistent, loyal, and knowledgeable. I value compassion, empathy, curiosity, and fun…
Yes, therapy can even be fun sometimes!
I also love to help clients develop relaxation and social skills to give you more control and autonomy over your life.
If you are ready to take steps to move through life with more confidence, feel more solid in your relationships with others and with yourself, and finally release anxiety and depression, let’s work
Here are some things you may like to know about my training and background:
-I’m a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)
-I graduated from Lesley University’s Master’s degree program in Expressive Arts Therapies
-I have an additional certification in EMDR
-I am a postpartum doula and certified lactation counselor
Because people are unique, I utilize a variety of approaches in my therapeutic work:
-Person-centered “talk” therapy
-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
-Art therapy
-Psychodynamic therapy
-Relaxation and social skills development
-Self-compassion and mindfulness
Ready to get started? Just want to ask a question?
ONLINE THERAPY: The COVID-19 Pandemic can be a very stressful and uncertain time. I am currently meeting over the phone or online to provide you the support you need.
93 Union Street, Suite 319
Newton Centre, MA 02459